Anu Beginning Therapy
Psychotherapy Services for South Carolinians & Tennesseans
Nature-Based Psychotherapy at Fauna Forest Farm
in Jonesborough, TN
What is nature-based therapy? Modern psychology research and ancient wisdom both describe in their own ways the mental health benefits of spending time outdoors in a natural setting. Nature-based therapy takes advantage of this natural medicine and moves your therapy session out into nature to sit by a stream, under a tree canopy, into the wooded forest, or even by a field of horses. Simply spending time in these natural refuges can help calm our minds, settle our hearts, and remind us of the necessity of cycles, patience, and growth. Nature-based therapy invites us to embark on a deeper journey with nature as teacher. Being outdoors for your therapy session can help you more intimately make sense of yourself as an individual and as someone who exists in a wider web of life.
“Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity.”
— John Muir
Is there additional benefit to nature-based therapy?​ Since the earliest humans, people have left their ordinary worlds and communities to enter the natural world on adventures, vision quests, retreats, and spiritual pilgrimages to find wisdom, truth, and self-knowledge. Consider for yourself how spending even a small amount of time unplugged and surrounded by nature can be incredibly healing in our always-on world of screens and overstimulation.
"The nourishment we receive when we are fully connected to nature is profound, consumerism dies, emotional hunger is met and we learn what satisfies us on a deeper level." - Sacred Earth Psychology
Taking therapy sessions beyond the four walls of an office can enhance emotional well-being by improving attention and mood, reducing stress and the risk of psychiatric disorders, and by adding many dimensions to the therapeutic experience. Nearly all therapy modalities can be applied in a natural setting, including but not limited to Internal Family Systems, Somatic and Nervous System treatment, Emotionally-Focused Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Couples and Family Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and Psychodynamic Therapy.
Depression and Anxiety
Life transitions & changes
Social skills and difficulty with peers
Parenting concerns
Substance abuse & Harm reduction
Family systems, couples & relationship issues
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Complex Trauma
Inter-generational Trauma
Couples/Marital Issues
Psychospiritual Crises
Emotion regulation & coping skills
Mindfulness Practices
Attachment-Based Therapy
Mindful Self-Compassion Practices
Family Systems Therapy
Couples Therapy
Guided Meditation
Nature-Based Therapy
Somatic (Body) Awareness
Guided Drawing
Family Constellations
Equine-Assisted Learning
The Story of Anu

Anu was one of those soul mate dogs - if you've had an animal come into your life and change it forever, then you know. While he was living, he was my best friend, playmate, and trustworthiest adventurer through some of the hardest years of my life. His impact on my soul and in my life continues to unfold as the years pass by. His loving presence & stoic nature remain alive with me today.
It was the grace of his short life that continues to be one of my greatest life teachers and I aim to honor his life through my work at Anu Beginning Therapy.
- Chelsea, Founder of Anu Beginning Therapy